26 years and still no justice in the Patrick Finucane case despite Prime Minister Cameron acknowledging that the UK Government was complicit in his murder. Nothing less than a full public inquiry will discharge the state’s obligation to investigate the murder and the extent of state collusion.
Yasmine Ahmed, Director of Rights Watch UK states:
“The Government of the United Kingdom continues to fail to comply with its international human rights obligations by not holding a public inquiry into the murder of Patrick Finucane. Despite apologising to the Finucane family and acknowledging the shocking levels of collusion between the UK Government and loyalist paramilitaries in the murder of Finucane, the Government has failed to conduct a thorough, independent and effective investigation. The paper based reviews that have been conducted thus far do not satisfy the Government’s investigative obligations.
We call on the UK Government to comply with the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights and promptly conduct an Article 2 compliant investigation. Nothing short of a public inquiry will satisfy this obligation and provide an effective remedy.”
For further information contact info@rightsandsecurity.org